Review of Female to Femme

Femme dykes and our supporters have ranted for at least 30 years about how femmes aren’t considered “real” dykes or queers. So it’s not like the ideas in Female to Femme are completely new. What audiences love is finally seeing them on film…

My review of the documentary Female to Femme is now online at Xtra West.

We are going on a Chronic Holiday…

Check out this great new blog: Chronic Holiday.

What Donimo the blogger says about it:

fun times with chronic illness! this is a place to take the piss out of those who would tell us how to better live our lives. unsolicited medical advice, ignorant comments, should’s and ought to’s get the greeting card treatment. you’ve got to laugh or you might hit someone!

Here is one of the “greeting cards:”

Another Realm

Five Pound Hero

Zoey the chihuahua saved a baby!

In the drawing I thanked God for small dogs, but maybe that makes it sound like dogs are wonderful because they save humans from danger, when actually I wouldn’t think this event was a happy one if Zoey had died. I mean, I am not convinced that a dog’s life should necessarily be worth less than a human’s. Does that make sense? I have been drinking a little white wine. Oh, and if you follow the link above and watch the news story, let me know if you think it’s a “good ending” that grandpa killed the snake.


Artichokes: The Mystery

Tonight we had dinner at Lombardo’s on Commercial Drive. Two women and a man were sitting near us, and one woman was telling the other two about Lombardo’s, and recommending certain dishes. A little later I heard her saying, “Now I don’t really know how to explain artichokes.”


Two Little Girls in the Park

Today I was running on the track at the park near our apartment. Two little girls, about ten, were playing this game for almost the whole time I was there (45 minutes), until they put one doll in a doll car seat and the other in a doll stroller and left. There was no adult to be seen.
