Two small chubby ones. Where do they come from?
Assorted Cakes
Drawing Sad and Happy
A couple months ago I bought a journal called Draw Your Tomorrow published by MMMG. I got it at Paper-Ya on Granville Island– a dangerous store. On each day there is a beautiful big space for doodling. I thought it might help my recent intense bout of cartoonist’s block. So far it hasn’t gotten me back to the big project I am avoiding, but it has inspired a collection of creatures…
Competing for Victim Status, Xtra West #371, November 7, 2007
Those of us who have been part of feminist or queer politics in North America have had plenty of experience with this competition to be named MVP —Most Victimized Person. Many of us dropped out of political activism because of the hellish hours we spent sitting in circles accusing each other of racism and homophobia until someone “won.”
Sarah featured on Maisonneuve Magazine website
Mini Excerpts from My Mom Got Sick and Died
People Say the Darnedest Things–posted on Geist website
My comic about what people said to me when my mom had Alzheimer’s… Lotsa laughs. Filed under Curiosa at Geist magazine.
Lessons in Connection, Xtra West #369, October 10, 2007
James Loney is my hero. That’s the one-sentence version of how I feel about him.
My intense admiration for him started in March 2006 when he and two other members of the Christian Peacemakers Team (CPT) were rescued, having been held hostage for four months in Iraq.
Orange Mouse Creature
My New Gay Friend, Xtra West #366, August 29, 2007
Someone asked me the other day if Paul was my gay boyfriend. I said no, because the label makes me think of a swishy, bitchy fag who would criticize my clothes and make catty comments about my dyke friends. Paul so far has shown little interest in my fashion choices and is far less catty than I am.
Read the rest…