Tangles wins CBC Bookie for Best Comic

Tangles has been chosen as the winner of the inaugural CBC Bookie Beaver for Best Comic or Graphic Novel. To quote:

Sarah Leavitt’s powerful memoir about the struggles her family faced as her mother battled Alzheimer’s is eye-opening and painfully honest. The sensitve subject matter and vivid pictures showcase the best the graphic novel format has to offer, earning its author the Bookie for Best Comic or Graphic Novel in the process!

Very exciting! I am kind of hoping for a golden Bookie Beaver to come in the mail, but I think that might not happen. It might just be a virtual golden beaver.

Sarah interviewed on Book Madam

Check out my chat with Julie Wilson of Book Madam. In their words: “Book Madam & Associates is a collective of publishing and media professionals who love bright ideas and have been known to have a few of their own. Our goal is simple: to point to smart, savvy projects and people. Also expect inspiration, critiques, news items and the odd kitten video.” They also say they’re “The Cool Hunters of Publishing.” I’m a big fan of Book Madam and I’m thrilled that they looked me up. I love the chat format for an interview too!

Live-to-Chat: Sarah Leavitt, author/illustrator of Tangles
Lynda Barry is smitten with Sarah Leavitt. So too shall you be after reading this incroyable chat with the author/illustrator of the graphic memoir Tangles: A Story about Alzheimer’s, My Mother and Me… More

Tangles reviewed in Montreal Gazette

… But her drawing is actually deceptively sophisticated. What might at a glance look like whimsical doodles are in fact controlled and nuanced compositions wringing maximum emotional impact from minimal visual information. The appearance of naivete, sneakily effective at first, grows increasingly appropriate as Midge’s mind regresses into something resembling a childlike state.

I’ve shown this book to two friends, both of whom initially expressed doubts as to whether its form was appropriate to its content; both were soon won over.

The fact that Tangles was short-listed for the Writers’ Trust Non-Fiction Prize could be taken to represent a new level of mainstream acceptance for the graphic-lit medium. I’d prefer to take it as given that graphic lit has arrived and say instead that Tangles is simply a fine and touching book.

As the rate of Alzheimer’s continues to increase as the population ages, Tangles joins Jeffrey Moore’s novel The Memory Artists and Sarah Polley’s film Away from Her at the head of a list of illuminating and much-needed artistic responses.

Read the full article on the Montreal Gazette website  The link is broken to the Gazette review, but here it is on the National Post.

Tangles reviewed in Vancouver Sun

Sarah Leavitt uses graphic means to tell her mother’s story
By Candace Fertile, Vancouver Sun October 9, 2010

Graphic novels have been around for some time, but Vancouver writer/artist Sarah Leavitt has taken the form and written a memoir — a deeply moving account of her mother’s struggles with Alzheimer’s disease and how the disease affected the family…

…Tangles is both a celebration of a life and an elegy. Leavitt doesn’t shy away from her fury and grief at her mother’s illness, nor does she ignore the messy part of Midge’s decline — her inability to care for herself physically. The daughter becomes the parent at times, cleaning up and caring for the mother.

Through the trauma, Sarah investigates her Jewish roots, finds an amazing partner and does what she can to help her family.

By creating this book, she has re-created her mother, a woman anyone would be privileged to have known. At least we get to know her through her daughter’s wrenchingly honest memoir.

Read the full review on the Vancouver Sun website The link to the Sun article is broken, but you can read it as reprinted in the Edmonton Journal.