Tangles is a finalist for the Writers’ Trust Non-Fiction Prize

It was so thrilling to find out first thing this morning that I’m one of the five finalists for the Writers’ Trust of Canada Non-Fiction Prize. Tangles is the first graphic memoir to be nominated! It’s been an extremely fun day of emails and phone calls with my fab agent Samantha Haywood and the wonderful Sarah Ivany and Robyn Read at Freehand Books, and lovely family and friends. Yay for small presses and graphic narrative and supportive, creative community! Yay for exclamation marks!

Vancouver launch of Tangles: photos!

Thanks to everyone who came out to the Vancouver launch of Tangles at Heritage Hall on September 21, World Alzheimer’s Day. About 150 people showed up (standing room only), and bought all the books we’d brought (100+). Freehand, my publisher, donated prints that were auctioned off to benefit the Alzheimer’s Society of BC, and provided lots of wine and food. My Dad and I baked 150 cookies for the event — a reference to the book, when I baked cookies the day my mom died. We had wonderful klezmer music by a thousand times no (Aaron Pettigrew and Evan Sutton) with accordion player extraordinaire, Tina Tew. I made it through my thank you’s without completely breaking down, and read about 5 chapters from my book. Thanks so much to Freehand, especially the wonderful Sarah Ivany for organizing this event, and thanks to all who came, volunteered, bought books, said hello, cried, laughed, shared your personal stories. What a great night!

Some photos from the indefatigable Teri Snelgrove:

Sarah on North by Northwest: podcast

Last weekend on CBC Radio’s North by Northwest, guest host Lisa Christiansen and I had a great conversation about graphic memoir, dementia, illness and death — and we had a lot of laughs too. Laughter has always been such an important part of this journey for me. How else do you cope with grief and loss? Listen to the podcast by following the links on the North by Northwest page. It’s the September 18 show, and the interview with me is right after the 8:00 AM news.