Just a tiny drawing. Thinking about death, what else is new? And thinking about how Maureen’s face changes from panel to panel and the reasons why I would draw this instead of just writing it down.
Author: sarah
Thinking happiness
A reason for sadness
More UK press for Tangles
Here are some more great UK articles about Tangles…
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it’s a real-life superheroine! in The Jewish Chronicle — an article by Sarah Lightman about Jewish women cartoonists that includes me and Tangles
Drawing the unsayable in the Irish Independent — about Tangles and Billy, Me & You by Nicola Streeten
A funny way to deal with death in The Independent – a different article about Tangles and Billy, Me & You
And why not add a drawing I did right after we got back from London?
Bitter interrupted cat
I miss my mother
Sketches from England
You can click on these guys to make them bigger.
I love how Nicola wears fancy frocks to comics events, and then decides to tap dance or pull on a winter hat partway through her presentation. Elegant and playful at the same time. Is that a particularly British quality?
Cartoonist and publisher Corinne Pearlman at her fabulous home. I did not find this article about the house until after we returned to Canada.
This is our new friend Katie; we stayed at her place in Newcastle. She is talking about some of the symptoms of M.E.
Katie changed her surname in her 20s. What’s really cool is that then her mother and sister followed suit. I’d never heard of that before.
As you can see, I’ve been experimenting with styles. Neither of these really looks like Katie, but I had fun doing them. And here is Katie’s dog Jodie.
And last of all, a wee angel. I love all the angels who only have heads and wings. They are all over the cathedrals. Maybe I will do some comics about these body-less angels.
In conversation with Nicola Streeten at Orbital Comics: podcast with pictures
My last event in England was a conversation with Nicola Streeten at Orbital Comics in the West End… The store is awesome, especially the side room full of small press comics and graphic novels where we did our presentation. Thanks to the lovely Camila at Orbital for posting a podcast that includes our slideshow! Watch it below or download the podcast and open it with iTunes or QuickTime to see the accompanying images. Thanks to Paul Gravett, Corinne Pearlman and Camila for making the event happen. And thanks to Donimo, my saviour, for procuring enough cold medication to enable me to hold myself upright and be semi-coherent. (In case you wonder while you’re listening to the podcast, I’m not crying, just congested.)
As I’ve mentioned earlier, Nicola wrote/drew Billy, Me & You, and is also co-creator of Laydeez do Comics. So amazing that I got to meet her and talk to her! And even make fun of her silly version of a Canadian accent. Long live traumatic autobiographical comics by Laydeez!
Donimo captured us being serious artists and total dorks…
I went to Torngat Mountains National Park last August
I kept wanting to tell everyone in the entire world, but I couldn’t, because the radio documentary hadn’t come out yet, but now it has. So guess what? This is Part 3 of 3 in the amazing series, How I Spent My Summer Vacation: I went to Torngat Mountains National Park! I had the extreme good fortune to be one of five writers chosen by radio icon and all-around awesome lady Shelagh Rogers to join her on this adventure.
You can hear all about it on the podcast at CBC’s The Next Chapter. And here is one of the drawings I did during that magical week:
UK press for Tangles
Just a quick round-up of some UK coverage for Tangles…
First there was an excerpt in the Observer Magazine (part of The Guardian). It’s not online but here’s a peek. I got to do a self-portrait for it, too!
There was also a lovely review in the Glasgow Herald, also not online.
Channel 4 featured Nicola Streeten’s fabulous memoir, Billy, Me and You, and included nice mention of Tangles.
And the lovely online mag It’s Nice That featured slides from Tangles and an interview. In their words they were “bowled over” by Tangles.
Watch for more coverage in The Independent and The Jewish Chronicle.
Tomorrow I leave London after a lovely two weeks here. Will be posting some photos and notes from the trip soon. Thanks so much to everyone at Jonathan Cape, Leeds Comics Forum and Newcastle University, along with all the fabulous people I’ve met here (Nicola Streeten, Sarah Lightman, Paul Gravett, Ian Williams, Corinne Pearlman, Francesca Cassavetti, etc etc). England rules.