Northwords project is online

Last summer I had the extreme good fortune to be part of a group of five writers that Shelagh Rogers took to Torngats National Park for a week. The goal: for us each to create a piece of writing (or in my case, illustrations with text) inspired by our experiences.

Northwords writers after a week in Torngat Mountains National Park: me, Rabindranath Maharaj, Joseph Boyden, Shelagh Rogers, Alissa York and Noah Richler
Northwords writers after a week in Torngat Mountains National Park: me, Rabindranath Maharaj, Joseph Boyden, Shelagh Rogers, Alissa York and Noah Richler

The journey was captured in Shelagh’s award-winning radio documentary, and the documentary film by filmCAN premiered this past August; it will be on CBC TV later this month. And… the interactive site is now live! It contains lots of audio and video and photos and a link to the ebook from Anansi that contains all the writing that we did during the week. I’m so full of excitement and gratitude and thrilledness! interactive site