Tangles reviewed in Vancouver Sun

Sarah Leavitt uses graphic means to tell her mother’s story
By Candace Fertile, Vancouver Sun October 9, 2010

Graphic novels have been around for some time, but Vancouver writer/artist Sarah Leavitt has taken the form and written a memoir — a deeply moving account of her mother’s struggles with Alzheimer’s disease and how the disease affected the family…

…Tangles is both a celebration of a life and an elegy. Leavitt doesn’t shy away from her fury and grief at her mother’s illness, nor does she ignore the messy part of Midge’s decline — her inability to care for herself physically. The daughter becomes the parent at times, cleaning up and caring for the mother.

Through the trauma, Sarah investigates her Jewish roots, finds an amazing partner and does what she can to help her family.

By creating this book, she has re-created her mother, a woman anyone would be privileged to have known. At least we get to know her through her daughter’s wrenchingly honest memoir.

Read the full review on the Vancouver Sun website The link to the Sun article is broken, but you can read it as reprinted in the Edmonton Journal.

Tangles is a finalist for the Writers’ Trust Non-Fiction Prize

It was so thrilling to find out first thing this morning that I’m one of the five finalists for the Writers’ Trust of Canada Non-Fiction Prize. Tangles is the first graphic memoir to be nominated! It’s been an extremely fun day of emails and phone calls with my fab agent Samantha Haywood and the wonderful Sarah Ivany and Robyn Read at Freehand Books, and lovely family and friends. Yay for small presses and graphic narrative and supportive, creative community! Yay for exclamation marks!

Sarah on North by Northwest: podcast

Last weekend on CBC Radio’s North by Northwest, guest host Lisa Christiansen and I had a great conversation about graphic memoir, dementia, illness and death — and we had a lot of laughs too. Laughter has always been such an important part of this journey for me. How else do you cope with grief and loss? Listen to the podcast by following the links on the North by Northwest page. It’s the September 18 show, and the interview with me is right after the 8:00 AM news.

More advance praise for Tangles

The story has a definite place in the literature available to persons who have to deal with this terrible tragedy. The format (a graphic novel) is fresh and will appeal to the younger generation who are just beginning to come to grips with this crisis. Sarah describes very clearly many of the various problems that occur with each stage of the illness. She is very honest about her reactions and feelings as well as her attempts to cope with them. There are many lessons for others to learn but the biggest lesson is that it is OK to have reactions, feelings and frustrations that are not always “correct” as one watches a loved-one’s progress. I think that the graphic novel tells the story in a more vivid and personal way than most books could possibly do… I know from my years of experience that the novel WILL be very helpful to others dealing with Alzheimer’s. — E. Prather Palmer, MD, former Director, Alzheimer’s Disease Clinic, Lahey Clinic, Burlington, Massachusetts

The art of the modern cartoonist is to tell a complex, literary story with deceptive simplicity. In her short graphic novel, Sarah Leavitt brings us the unsparing narrative of her mother’s decline and death from early-onset Alzheimer’s, at a shockingly young age, in words and drawings that put me in mind of Roz Chast. In a book that you can read in less than an hour, Leavitt’s skill, economy of line and efficiency of vocabulary give you plot and interwoven characters, humor, pathos, comedy and tragedy enough for 500 pages of prose. — Eleanor Cooney, author of Death in Slow Motion

Tangles rings completely true to me. I had flashes of recognition on every page and read it right through in one sitting… I feel this is a really important book. I can’t get it out of my head, now. It does so much to educate, but it’s tender… This is a book I would buy — and multiple copies! I’ve read other books on the same topic (no graphics, though) usually written by spouses of, but none by the younger children of. The way things are going, we should ALL own a copy. — Rosalind Penfold, author of Dragonslippers

Sarah Leavitt vividly depicts the changes and losses associated with dementia and the challenges this poses for family members.  At the same time, the person with dementia – in this case, the author’s mother – is never lost or forgotten; her life history is referenced throughout the novel, as her spouse, siblings and adult children witness changes in her behaviour and adapt to their new roles as care partners. Leavitt tackles difficult issues like faecal incontinence, lack of recognition of loved ones, and intimate personal care with honesty and sensitivity. In an accessible and entertaining way, she introduces us to her mother as a person and shows us a life marked by Alzheimer’s disease, but certainly not reduced to it.  As Leavitt bears witness to her mother’s progression from awareness of symptoms through the loss of ability to care for herself to dying shortly after moving to a nursing home, we learn along with her how to relate to and care for a person with dementia. In addition to persons with dementia and their care partners, this graphic novel certainly would be of interest to educators – both those teaching undergraduate students in health and social science disciplines and those raising public awareness about dementia.  — Dr. Wendy Hulko, Assistant Professor of Social Work & Coordinator of the Aging & Health Research Centre, Thompson Rivers University; Qualified Health Researcher, Centre for Research on Personhood in Dementia, UBC

Sarah Leavitt’s graphic novel is an intricate expression of a daughter’s love and loss of her mother, bit by bit, episode by episode. Uncompromising and powerful, I couldn’t put it down until I’d read it from beginning to end. Sarah has told the story of her mother’s relentless slide with a powerful emotional honesty. As an artist, I could feel myself with Sarah, and imagined her storing the images in her mind as the events unfolded. When down on paper, her beautiful detailed drawings captured perfectly the joy, frustration, sense of loss, humour and poignancy of dealing with Alzheimer’s. As a person with a mother in the early stages of the disease, I welcome this book, as compelling, instructive, and yet enormously comforting too. — Lesley Fairfield, author of Tyranny

Memoir and Dementia: Presentation at UBC

On Wednesday I did a presentation at the Centre for Research on Personhood in Dementia at UBC. It was called Memoir and Dementia, and included a reading from Tangles, my graphic memoir. Over the years I’ve gotten way calmer about readings, but this one just totally stressed me out for about a month before. It was the first time I’d be talking at such length about my writing about Mom (at least in public!), and the first time reading from Tangles. Not to mention it was my first PowerPoint!

On a more serious note, November 29 was the fifth anniversary of my mother’s death, so it was quite hard to sort through my photos and writing and stuff, and pull myself out of my grief enough to focus on presenting something for other people.

This is me before the reading, faking a relaxed demeanor:

And then we got started…

I showed some slides of my mother, one from my childhood and a few from during her illness. One of the main things I said about memoir and dementia was how important I think it is to remember the person as they were when they were sick, all the specific ways in which they speak and behave, the ways they have changed, the small moments of sweetness or horror that you don’t want to forget. I talked about my mother’s hands. And here they are…

I talked about memoir and dementia– my ideas about it, the process of writing my book– for about 40 minutes, and then read for about 20. I relaxed pretty quickly once I got started– it was a small but attentive group of about 20 people, including the wonderful staff at the CRPD. I love talking about the book and I love hearing people’s stories– there were some wonderful shared laughter and tears after the question period wrapped up and some folks came and told me about their own family members who have dementia.

I have some work to do on developing a good technique for reading from the book. I ended up just showing a page at a time on the PowerPoint and reading from the printed version. It was fine, but I’d like to do something that shows the images better– hoping to get some help from my more techie friends with that stuff.

This was a fabulous experience; I’m super excited for September 2010 and more talks and readings!

All photos by Terra Poirier